Oudômxai, Laos Weather
Current: 22.75°C/72.95°F, Wind SW at 1.12 km/h, 92% Humidity, 0% Chance of rain
- Oudômxai, Laos Weather
- Current conditions
- Weather forecast
- Averages and extremes
- Yesterday's Data
- Temperature and possibility of rain in Oudômxai over the next 12 hours
- Temperature and possibility of rain in Oudômxai in the coming days
- Rainfall in Oudômxai in the coming days
- Oudômxai Weather Summary
- Weather averages by month
- Oudômxai's weather
- Frequently asked questions
- Comments
Current conditions
Condition: Overcast Clouds
Pressure: 1,007 hPa
Sea level: 1,007 hPa
Temperature: 23.48°C
Cloud: 89%
Humidity: 92%
Wind: SE 0.22 km/h
Visibility: 10,000 m
30 Day Averages and Extremes
- Average high 24.44°C
- Average low 16.98°C
- Hottest day (18 September 2024) 28.71°C
- Coldest day (14 October 2024) 15.62°C
- Average humidity 67.77%
- Days with precipitation 7 days
- Highest precipitation 18.73 mm (17 September 2024)
Yesterday's Data
- Max: 31°C
- Min: 20°C
- Total Precipitation: 2.35 mm
Temperature and possibility of rain in Oudômxai over the next 12 hours
Temperature and possibility of rain in Oudômxai in the coming days
Rainfall in Oudômxai in the coming days
Oudômxai Climate Summary
Oudômxai features a Humid subtropical, dry winter (Köppen classification: Cwa), with an average annual temperature of 23.14ºC (73.65ºF), which is about -2.25% lower than the national average for Laos. Annually, the city experiences approximately 115.44 millimeters (4.54 inches) of rainfall, spread across 177.81 rainy days, accounting for 48.72% of the year.
Longitude | 20.4921929 |
Latitude | 101.8891721 |
Yearly high temperature | 27.46ºC (81.43ºF) |
Yearly low temperature | 15.66ºC (60.19ºF) |
Hottest month | April 31.34ºC (88.41ºF) |
Coldest month | December 9.54ºC (49.17ºF) |
Yearly precip | 115.44mm (4.54in) |
Days with rainfall | 177.81 days (48.72%) |
Driest month | February (61.95%) |
Wettest month | August (89.81%) |
Weather averages by month
Month | High / Low (°C) | Rain |
January | 23.29° / 9.41° | 3.73 days |
February | 27.03° / 11.21° | 1.36 days |
March | 30.38° / 15.41° | 6.45 days |
April | 31.34° / 18.2° | 14.64 days |
May | 30.46° / 19.52° | 20.09 days |
June | 28.39° / 19.85° | 25.73 days |
July | 27.17° / 19.4° | 27.27 days |
August | 27.33° / 18.94° | 29.45 days |
September | 28.08° / 17.98° | 23.0 days |
October | 27.14° / 15.51° | 15.91 days |
November | 25.82° / 12.98° | 7.27 days |
December | 23.13° / 9.54° | 2.91 days |
Oudômxai's weather
- Ban Bakeu
- Ban Benglouang
- Ban Bomven
- Ban Bong-Tai
- Ban Chakchang
- Ban Chanvang
- Ban Chom-On
- Ban Chom-Ong-Nua
- Ban Chomchang-Noy
- Ban Chomka
- Ban Chomleng
- Ban Chomsen
- Ban Chomxanggnen
- Ban Dongbang
- Ban Donkeo
- Ban Donngiou
- Ban Dou
- Ban Gnai
- Ban Gnouana
- Ban Hai-Tai
- Ban Hatkai
- Ban Hatteu
- Ban Hong-Gnankao
- Ban Mok Poit
- Muang Houn
- Muang Xay
- Tiaxoum
- Ban Akang
- Ban Ano-Gnai
- Ban Bacheng
- Ban Bangpo
- Ban Bengkham
- Ban Bo
- Ban Bokbo
- Ban Bolai
- Ban Bong-Kang
- Ban Bong-Nua
- Ban Bouamlao
- Ban Bouloy
- Ban Boumvao
- Ban Chanmai
- Ban Chantai
- Ban Chap-Lata
- Ban Cheng
- Ban Chokkan
- Ban Chom-Ong
- Ban Chom-Ong-Kang
- Ban Chom-Ong-Tai
- Ban Chomchang
- Ban Chomchang-Gnai
- Ban Chomhat
- Ban Chomhouat
- Ban Chomkha
- Ban Chomle-Gnai
- Ban Chomle-Noy
- Ban Chompalong
- Ban Chomphou
- Ban Chomxang
- Ban Chomxang-Dong
- Ban Choy
- Ban Dindeng
- Ban Don-En
- Ban Dong
- Ban Donggning
- Ban Donghankong
- Ban Donkham
- Ban Donkon
- Ban Donna
- Ban Donsaat
- Ban Donxai
- Ban Dounkoun
- Ban Dua
- Ban Fen
- Ban Gnavak
- Ban Gniakha
- Ban Gnim
- Ban Gnoyhai
- Ban Hai
- Ban Hai-Nua
- Ban Hat-En
- Ban Hat-Hok
- Ban Hatkham
- Ban Hatpot
- Ban Hay-Tai
- Ban Homxang
- Ban Hong
- Ban Hongthou
- Ban Houalouang
- Ban Pakkhen
- Muang Beng
- Muang Hay
- Muang La
- Muang Namo
- Muang Nga
- Sala Mok
Frequently asked questions
1. What is the hottest month in Oudômxai?
April has the highest average monthly temperature (daily mean of 31.34ºC) and December are the coolest (daily mean of 9.54ºC).
2. What should I wear in Oudômxai today?
For today's very hot weather in Oudômxai, with the high temperatures above 31ºC (87.8ºF), consider wearing:
- Ultra-thin, breathable socks
- Airy sandals or flip-flops
- Broad-brimmed sun hat
- High SPF sunscreen for outdoor activities
Comments (0)
- Latest first
- Highest rated
Air quality
Satisfactory air quality, minimal pollution, low risk
- CO 273.71
- NH3 0.38
- NO 0.04
- NO2 0.67
- O3 0.65
- PM10 2.94
- PM25 2.35
- SO2 0.07